Gianni Croci '20

History and Political Science
Gianni C. Croci came to the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College after completing an International Baccalaureate Program (IB) at G-Star School of the Arts in Palm Springs, Florida. He has a dual concentration in History and Political Science. While finding a career in law is his dream goal, becoming a university professor is not far behind. Gianni has utilized many opportunities available at the Honors College. As a freshman, he was Vice-President of the Model U.N. club, and also served in the Student Government House of Representatives for the Jupiter campus. Gianni has worked as a desk assistant in student housing, connecting with each new generation of Wilkes Honors College students. Last summer, Gianni went on a faculty-led study abroad trip to Venice for six weeks and became enamored with the contemporary struggle between modernization and preserving history. This year, Gianni served as a Senator in Student Government. Furthermore, he represented FAU at three consecutive moot court tournaments. Gianni is currently writing two separate honors theses. After graduation, he plans to enter law school.