Olivia Ducram '20

English Literature with a Minor in History
Olivia began her freshman year attending the Harriet Wilkes Honors College. After receiving an invitation to attend Scholar’s Day, Olivia was awarded the Henry Morrison Flagler scholarship, which provides her with internship opportunities, a summer study abroad program, and the opportunity to the present her research at the Florida Collegiate Honors Council conference. Since the Wilkes Honors College offers interdisciplinary studies, her internships and classes have been very diverse, ranging from classes such as Behavioral Neuroscience to team-taught courses such as one titled, “Marginalized Voices”. Olivia states that a strength of the Wilkes Honors College, “is the comradery with the professors and the specialized learning, which is both engaging and challenging.” Olivia has interned at a legal firm, with Easternseals, and in her freshman year attended an Outward Bound program where she kayaked and hiked in the Chesapeake Bay and along the Appalachian Trail. Before the start of this summer, she was afforded the opportunity to enroll in a study abroad program in Venice, Italy where she will study the Italian language, culture and hospitality. Olivia finds the humanities programs at the Wilkes Honors College very engaging and considers them the most enjoyable parts of her experience, as they have developed her critical thinking skills and scholarship. She hopes to take the experiences she has gained at the Wilkes Honors College into her future career in education and writing.